Maximize the flexibility
of your EV fleet.

The flexEVility fleet manager for electric vehicles optimizes fleets for greater efficiency. It coordinates charging processes for e-buses and e-trucks, reducing costs and relieving strain on the grid. Through intelligent monitoring and prediction of consumption and battery charge status, the optimal charging need is determined. The smart load management utilizes off-peak times and local power generation optimally to maximize cost-effectiveness.

Charge Ahead with flexEVility's Smart Solutions.

The Fleet Manager

The Cloud Platform

Coordinate charging of multiple vehicles to respect schedules by monitoring and predicting energy levels
Reduce peak demand charges, relieve strain on the grid, and synchronize charging processes with low-tariff times
Maximize charging from locally generated renewable energy and increase the self-consumption


The flexEVility team brings together deep knowledge and expertise in the area of electric mobility, modern power grids, and flexibility services and associated cyber-physical systems.

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